It's never too late to learn that I've had it up to here with all of you writing cliché after cliché because it isn't all it's cracked up to be. Even if you're cliché king, you're not in the clear. You don't have this in the bag, and you don't have a leg to stand on. You can work your fingers to the bone with your writing, but I'm just waiting for you to wake up and smell the coffee. You're not thinking outside the box.
Clichés are often described as "tired and worn-out expressions." Some
Clichés are comparisons:
light as a feather
tough as nails
as old as the hills
spread like wildfire
Clichés can also be other kinds of expressions:
Have a nice day.
last but not least
all that jazz
cool, calm, and collected
An expression becomes a cliché when it has become so commonly used that its original vigor has been lost. To say that someone is "a wet blanket" was once an imaginative way of saying that person was so dull or pessimistic that he or she snuffed out the enthusiasm of others, just as a wet blanket thrown over a fire would extinguish its light and warmth. Today the expression "a wet blanket" has been so overused that it has lost that original force.
Writers who frequently express themselves in clichés reveal they haven't made the effort to think very carefully or originally. Almost everything you write can be improved if you examine your diction carefully to be sure you have not, unaware, picked up one of these ready-made expressions.
So, to make a long story short, get all your ducks in a row, and work like a dog to use original comparisons and expressions. You won't be sadder but wiser; instead, you'll be pleased as punch with your improved writing.
Practice -- Replace the clichés in the following sentences with fresh comparisons of your own.
1. The investigator turned white as a sheet.
2. Emma is as fresh as a daisy every morning.
3. The producer's hand was as cold as ice.
4. Amy's eyes sparkled like diamonds.
5. She sings like a bird.
6. Mary is as cute as a button.
7. In August the weather is as hot as Hades.
8. The baby was as quiet as a mouse.
9. The escapee went from the frying pan into the fire.
10. The soccer team is going down the drain.
11. Scott has a crush on the new girl.
12. I believe there's no time like the present.
At the urging of fellow writers, I've created a blog in which writers may pose a grammar question about their writing. I do not know every grammar rule known to mankind, but with a love of grammar, Warriner's English Grammar and Composition, a B.A. in English, and 32 years in the trenches of the high school classroom, I will attempt to find the answer to your grammar question.
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Monday, September 16, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
Are You from a Parallel Universe?
Are you from a parallel universe? Do you already know how to express parallel ideas in the same grammatical form?
If, in your writing world, "parallel ideas should be expressed in the same grammatical form" sounds alien to you, here are some tips for becoming a better writer by brushing up on some galactic and intergalactic grammar. Good writing is not only clear to the reader but also correct in form.
Rule: Express parallel ideas in the same grammatical form.
1. Coordinated ideas are of equal rank and are connected by coordinate conjunctions (and, but, or, nor, etc.). For proper coordination, a noun is paired with another noun, a phrase with a phrase, a clause with a clause, an infinitive with an infinitive, a word ending in -ing with another word ending in -ing, etc. In parallel construction, observe this principle of pairing one part of speech with another or one kind of construction with another.
POOR: In the winter I usually like skiing and to skate. (gerund paired with an infinitive)
BETTER: In the winter I usually like skiing and skating. (gerund paired with a gerund)
OR: In the winter I usually like to ski and to skate. (infinitive paired with an infinitive)
POOR: Einstein liked mathematical research more than to supervise a large laboratory.
(noun contrasted with an infinitive)
BETTER: Einstein liked mathematical research more than supervision of a large laboratory.
(noun contrasted with a noun)
2. Correlative constructions are formed with the correlative conjunctions (both...and, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also, etc.). They should be expressed in parallel form also.
POOR: With Ship of Fools Katherine Anne Porter proved she was talented
not only as a short-story writer but also in writing novels.
BETTER: With Ship of Fools Katherine Anne Porter proved she was talented
not only as a short-story writer but also as a novelist.
I hope this grammar rule refresher will help you in your writing wherever in the galaxy you are.
If, in your writing world, "parallel ideas should be expressed in the same grammatical form" sounds alien to you, here are some tips for becoming a better writer by brushing up on some galactic and intergalactic grammar. Good writing is not only clear to the reader but also correct in form.
Rule: Express parallel ideas in the same grammatical form.
1. Coordinated ideas are of equal rank and are connected by coordinate conjunctions (and, but, or, nor, etc.). For proper coordination, a noun is paired with another noun, a phrase with a phrase, a clause with a clause, an infinitive with an infinitive, a word ending in -ing with another word ending in -ing, etc. In parallel construction, observe this principle of pairing one part of speech with another or one kind of construction with another.
POOR: In the winter I usually like skiing and to skate. (gerund paired with an infinitive)
BETTER: In the winter I usually like skiing and skating. (gerund paired with a gerund)
OR: In the winter I usually like to ski and to skate. (infinitive paired with an infinitive)
POOR: Einstein liked mathematical research more than to supervise a large laboratory.
(noun contrasted with an infinitive)
BETTER: Einstein liked mathematical research more than supervision of a large laboratory.
(noun contrasted with a noun)
2. Correlative constructions are formed with the correlative conjunctions (both...and, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also, etc.). They should be expressed in parallel form also.
POOR: With Ship of Fools Katherine Anne Porter proved she was talented
not only as a short-story writer but also in writing novels.
BETTER: With Ship of Fools Katherine Anne Porter proved she was talented
not only as a short-story writer but also as a novelist.
I hope this grammar rule refresher will help you in your writing wherever in the galaxy you are.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
How the Grinch Teaches Grammar
After a good question from a friend this week about whether to use who or which in a document referring to a group of companies, I thought others might benefit from a reminder about this rule, too. First, here's the rule:
Who should be used to refer to persons only. Which should be used to refer to things only. (That may be used to refer to either persons or things.)
The rule is straightforward and simple. The trick is remembering it the next time you have a question on whether to use who or which in your writing or speaking. I think if you remember, "Witches ride broomsticks," you can remember a witch (which) needs a broomstick (thing) to ride. Or, you can remember Cindy Lou Who and Betty Lou Who are the inhabitants or people who live in Whoville, so who goes with people.
Stay away from the paraphernalia wagon which is coming down from Mount Crumpit, unless Euchariah Who, who has helped before on Grinch Night, can help save the day again, and straighten out your grammar.
Who should be used to refer to persons only. Which should be used to refer to things only. (That may be used to refer to either persons or things.)
The rule is straightforward and simple. The trick is remembering it the next time you have a question on whether to use who or which in your writing or speaking. I think if you remember, "Witches ride broomsticks," you can remember a witch (which) needs a broomstick (thing) to ride. Or, you can remember Cindy Lou Who and Betty Lou Who are the inhabitants or people who live in Whoville, so who goes with people.
Stay away from the paraphernalia wagon which is coming down from Mount Crumpit, unless Euchariah Who, who has helped before on Grinch Night, can help save the day again, and straighten out your grammar.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Here's Your Sign!
Here's your sign! I always pay attention to signs as I drive. This morning as I drove along one of the main thoroughfares in town, I saw the following sign posted outside a well-known local business: "We start fresh everyday." Is this sign grammatically correct?
If you answered "yes," you're incorrect. The sign should say, "We start fresh every day."
"Every day" means each day.
I eat Cheerios every day for breakfast. (each day)
She had a migraine every day for a month. (each day)
However, "everyday," not "every day," is used as an adjective. "Everyday" can also be used as a noun when it means routine or ordinary day or occasion.
Biting his fingernails was an everyday occurrence. (adjective)
We use linen napkins at dinner when company is invited; otherwise, we use paper napkins for everyday. (noun meaning an ordinary day)
I hope the blog above helps my fellow writers understand the everyday use of "every day" and "everyday" every day they use it.
If you answered "yes," you're incorrect. The sign should say, "We start fresh every day."
"Every day" means each day.
I eat Cheerios every day for breakfast. (each day)
She had a migraine every day for a month. (each day)
However, "everyday," not "every day," is used as an adjective. "Everyday" can also be used as a noun when it means routine or ordinary day or occasion.
Biting his fingernails was an everyday occurrence. (adjective)
We use linen napkins at dinner when company is invited; otherwise, we use paper napkins for everyday. (noun meaning an ordinary day)
I hope the blog above helps my fellow writers understand the everyday use of "every day" and "everyday" every day they use it.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Thursday, February 28, 2013
About Language
For those of you who may wonder why grammar matters to me, and for those of you who may have missed my comment on a Facebook post, I'd like to attempt to explain my thinking (not that it's ever really "explainable," I suppose, but I'll try).
First of all, there's not really a "good" or "bad" grammar. We all speak varieties of English called dialects. Dialects contain differences in pronunciation, idioms, vocabulary, grammar and usage. They most often reflect the parents' speaking, or can be from a region (New England, Southern, Australian, etc.), a locale (city as opposed to rural), ethnic (containing idioms and syntax from another language), or by education (the more schooling a person has, the more exposure to different bodies of knowledge which are often reflected in speech).
There are two types of English -- Standard and Nonstandard English. Standard English is grammatically correct and divided into two types -- Formal and Informal.
Formal Standard English is more stately and used for serious essays, writing research papers, and addresses on serious or solemn occasions, and the language is, therefore, more "formal" in the sense that contractions are rarely used, slang never used, sentences tend to be longer, and the vocabulary is more formal than what is often used as part of ordinary conversations. It almost always is written.
Here's an example of Formal English used by John F. Kennedy in his inaugural address in 1961:
...Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans -- born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which we are committed today at home and around the world.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty...And so my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.
...Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.
Informal Standard English is the language knowledgeable use most of the time. Informal English is the language used in newspapers, magazines, most books, business letters, and talks for a general audience. Although grammatically correct, Informal English is not as rigid as Formal English. Sentences sound like everyday conversation and are a mixture of long and short patterns. Contractions are used, and slang is used occasionally. Words are more simple and reflect ordinary conversation.
Following is an example of Informal English from Speech Can Change Your Life by Dorothy Sarnoff:
If you enjoy shaking hands, take the initiative. Formerly the man was supposed to wait for the woman to offer her hand, but that rule went out with the one-horse shay.
But know when to stop. I have seen two people shaking hands on and on, neither knowing how to let go. Their problems was like that of the two pedestrians, approaching each other, who keep side stepping in the same direction until they finally bump into each other.
Don't be a knuckle crusher, and don't go to the other extreme, extending your hand like a limp mackerel. Instead, give the other hand a light pressure or squeeze, a sort of hand-hug. Let your hand, as well as your eyes and your voice, register, "I'm glad to meet you."
Nonstandard English refers to variations in English that are not grammatically correct and best avoided in all but the most casual writing or speaking. Sometimes writers will use Nonstandard English in a novel or short story to reflect the dialect of particular characters.
In John Steinbeck's acclaimed novel, Grapes of Wrath, he records the thoughts and speech of the Joad family, victims of the Depression in the 1930's:
Tom slowly made a cigarette, and inspected it and lighted it. He took off his ruined cap and wiped his forehead. "I got an idear," he said. "Maybe nobody gonna like it, but here she is: The nearer to California our folks get, the quicker they's gonna be money rollin' in. Now this here car'll go twicet as fast as that truck. Now here's my idea. You take out some a that stuff in the truck, an' then all you folks but me an' the preacher get in an' move on. Me an' Casy'll stop here an' fix this here car an' then we drive on, day an' night, an' we'll catch up, or if we don't meet on the road, you'll be a-workin' anyways. An' if you break down, why jus' camp 'longside the road till we come. You can't be no worse off, an' if you get through, why you'll be a-workin', an' stuff'll be easy. Casy can give me a lif' with this here car, an' we'll come a-sailin'."
Students are encouraged to learn Standard English. Why you may ask? It is the most generally accepted form of the language spoken and written in this country. It is used in mass communication, from newscasters and disc jockeys, to movie and television personalities, as well as the programs, films, and plays in which they perform. It is the language of newspapers and magazines, and of most books and journals. Standard English is the spoken and written language of the business world, as well as the medical and technological fields, and the language of politics and politicians.
What's important is knowing when to use which type of English. If you use Nonstandard English at home with your family, you need to know, for example, you should use Standard English when interviewing for a job; Nonstandard English is not acceptable and considered inappropriate in the business world. The language you use conveys to a listener more than just the ideas you are expressing. It often implies, sometimes unjustly, the extent of you general education and your general sophistication. And yes, which type of language you use could make a difference whether or not you get a particular job. Most employers want their employees to exude competence rather than coming off as uneducated, incompetent dolts.
If Standard English does not come easily to you, learn rules of usage and practice so you can develop your ability to use Standard English with ease.
On a more personal level, certain grammar errors make me cringe. In addition to people writing "alot," or saying "I've went through some tough times, "the other one that drives me wild is "Me and my friends..." -- I hear even actors in interviews say this. It's appalling. I know I should just smile and accept grammatically incorrect language as a way of life, like everyone else seemingly does, but we, as Americans, look like imbeciles who can't even master the basics. They teach the "me" thing in elementary school, for crying out loud!
First of all, there's not really a "good" or "bad" grammar. We all speak varieties of English called dialects. Dialects contain differences in pronunciation, idioms, vocabulary, grammar and usage. They most often reflect the parents' speaking, or can be from a region (New England, Southern, Australian, etc.), a locale (city as opposed to rural), ethnic (containing idioms and syntax from another language), or by education (the more schooling a person has, the more exposure to different bodies of knowledge which are often reflected in speech).
There are two types of English -- Standard and Nonstandard English. Standard English is grammatically correct and divided into two types -- Formal and Informal.
Formal Standard English is more stately and used for serious essays, writing research papers, and addresses on serious or solemn occasions, and the language is, therefore, more "formal" in the sense that contractions are rarely used, slang never used, sentences tend to be longer, and the vocabulary is more formal than what is often used as part of ordinary conversations. It almost always is written.
Here's an example of Formal English used by John F. Kennedy in his inaugural address in 1961:
...Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans -- born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which we are committed today at home and around the world.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty...And so my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.
...Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.
Informal Standard English is the language knowledgeable use most of the time. Informal English is the language used in newspapers, magazines, most books, business letters, and talks for a general audience. Although grammatically correct, Informal English is not as rigid as Formal English. Sentences sound like everyday conversation and are a mixture of long and short patterns. Contractions are used, and slang is used occasionally. Words are more simple and reflect ordinary conversation.
Following is an example of Informal English from Speech Can Change Your Life by Dorothy Sarnoff:
If you enjoy shaking hands, take the initiative. Formerly the man was supposed to wait for the woman to offer her hand, but that rule went out with the one-horse shay.
But know when to stop. I have seen two people shaking hands on and on, neither knowing how to let go. Their problems was like that of the two pedestrians, approaching each other, who keep side stepping in the same direction until they finally bump into each other.
Don't be a knuckle crusher, and don't go to the other extreme, extending your hand like a limp mackerel. Instead, give the other hand a light pressure or squeeze, a sort of hand-hug. Let your hand, as well as your eyes and your voice, register, "I'm glad to meet you."
Nonstandard English refers to variations in English that are not grammatically correct and best avoided in all but the most casual writing or speaking. Sometimes writers will use Nonstandard English in a novel or short story to reflect the dialect of particular characters.
In John Steinbeck's acclaimed novel, Grapes of Wrath, he records the thoughts and speech of the Joad family, victims of the Depression in the 1930's:
Tom slowly made a cigarette, and inspected it and lighted it. He took off his ruined cap and wiped his forehead. "I got an idear," he said. "Maybe nobody gonna like it, but here she is: The nearer to California our folks get, the quicker they's gonna be money rollin' in. Now this here car'll go twicet as fast as that truck. Now here's my idea. You take out some a that stuff in the truck, an' then all you folks but me an' the preacher get in an' move on. Me an' Casy'll stop here an' fix this here car an' then we drive on, day an' night, an' we'll catch up, or if we don't meet on the road, you'll be a-workin' anyways. An' if you break down, why jus' camp 'longside the road till we come. You can't be no worse off, an' if you get through, why you'll be a-workin', an' stuff'll be easy. Casy can give me a lif' with this here car, an' we'll come a-sailin'."
Students are encouraged to learn Standard English. Why you may ask? It is the most generally accepted form of the language spoken and written in this country. It is used in mass communication, from newscasters and disc jockeys, to movie and television personalities, as well as the programs, films, and plays in which they perform. It is the language of newspapers and magazines, and of most books and journals. Standard English is the spoken and written language of the business world, as well as the medical and technological fields, and the language of politics and politicians.
What's important is knowing when to use which type of English. If you use Nonstandard English at home with your family, you need to know, for example, you should use Standard English when interviewing for a job; Nonstandard English is not acceptable and considered inappropriate in the business world. The language you use conveys to a listener more than just the ideas you are expressing. It often implies, sometimes unjustly, the extent of you general education and your general sophistication. And yes, which type of language you use could make a difference whether or not you get a particular job. Most employers want their employees to exude competence rather than coming off as uneducated, incompetent dolts.
If Standard English does not come easily to you, learn rules of usage and practice so you can develop your ability to use Standard English with ease.
On a more personal level, certain grammar errors make me cringe. In addition to people writing "alot," or saying "I've went through some tough times, "the other one that drives me wild is "Me and my friends..." -- I hear even actors in interviews say this. It's appalling. I know I should just smile and accept grammatically incorrect language as a way of life, like everyone else seemingly does, but we, as Americans, look like imbeciles who can't even master the basics. They teach the "me" thing in elementary school, for crying out loud!
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